


竹林山觀音寺/ Zhulin Shan Temple & Park(966號🚌公車站牌「歐風大街」下車,再步行450m)

This is a well-known temple and there is a beautiful park nearby. First of all, i t should be reminded that this temple is not in Taipei City , and  taking a bus in Linkou District(New Taipei City) is a bit more difficult than taking a bus in Taipei .  The reason is because  Taoyuan Airport MRT station A9 is  on the border between New Taipei City and Taoyuan City. Although you can go to this temple by public transportation , it is a bit more complicated than driving by yourself.  You can arrive at Taoyuan Airport MRT station A8 or A9 first, and then take the bus.  Bus information can be found from this government website and google map, or you can download the 台北等公車 app . Most importantly, please remember to switch to the English interface. However, Bus 708 is n ot recommended , because i t’s easy to get in the wrong direction if you get on this bus. There are so many bus routes to this temple , and the nearest pick-up and drop-off locations are not ...