



  烹調方式健康,這個「 蒸烤海鲂糙米時蔬飯」的 口味還行但價格偏高(NT140) ,份量 女生吃不飽 ,但這是健身餐盒,可能訴求有所不同。這個餐盒是從Uber Eats叫的外送,若無運費優惠時真的不太推薦。我並未去過實體店面,所以無法評價其用餐環境或出餐速度。 「 河馬力士(Hippoles) 」也有自己的官網可以訂購,如果想嚐鮮的朋友可以前往選購,說不定其實還有其他餐點好吃,畢竟我也只吃過一次,只是這個份量與不久後吃到的 TINA廚房 相比,河馬力士真的是吃了不太滿足。 The cooking method of this  boxed lunch  is healthy and the taste is okay. This is a fitness  boxed lunch  which may have different appeals. However, the price is high and  girls can't get enough to eat . I ordered this from Uber Eats, and I've never been to the physical store. It is not recommended if there is no shipping discount. Although it’s not cheap, you can still try it if you don't know what to eat .  The official website has traditional Chinese and English interfaces that can be switched, but the completeness of the translation is not high enough. 非常感謝您閱讀到文末。如果願意給予鼓勵,可以考慮 化讚為賞 ,點選下方的「拍手」圖示,Likecoin是對創作者的鼓勵。